Welcome to Tatura Junior Footy! We are proudly a part of The Tatura Football Netball Club & invite you to register for one of our teams as well as get involved & help out as we build a successful club & a supportive community.
Below is all the information you will need & at the bottom of the page some FAQ’s & code of conduct to get you started! Please reach out to your coach, team manager or one of our coordinators if you need help.
Kind regards!
Michael Reid
Tatura Junior Football Coordinator On Behalf Of The Junior Football Committee
Auskick begins on Friday 19 Apr (5:30pm - 6:30pm) 2024 and runs until 21 Jun 2024 at Tatura Park.
Click here to join the Tatura & Distrit Auskick Facebook group!
Click here to register for Auskick with Tatura!
Jumper Presentation & Season Launch
Saturday April 12th at the Ballantyne Centre. For all our players & families to attend. We invite you to hang around & meet at 2pm at the stairs to watch the seniors game & even make a full day of it & join us at 5pm upstairs following the senior game.
12pm: U9/10/12 Jumper Presentation
1pm: U14 & U16 Jumper Presentation
Juniors At Thursday Night Dinner’s
You are invited & welcome to attend Thursday night dinners during the season from 6pm at the Ballantyne Centre. This is a great chance to catch up with others and stay connected to the latest around the club while having a meal.
A couple times over the season, we will invite everyone to join our Thursday night dinner from 6:30pm. We will feature our junior teams & updates on this night.
Social Functions
We invite you to attend our TFNC social events throughout the year. Most are family friendly & some are 18+ only (have a night out without the kids). These are typically on a Saturday evening/night. More info will be released so keep in touch.
Michael Reid 0408 750 723
Sarah De Lueew 0438 583 104 (Assistant for U9/10/12)
Auskick: Jake Chessels 0407 303 415
Under 9's: TBC
Under 10's:
Under 12's:
Under 14's:
Andrew Speed 0448 294 187
Hayden Dunne 0419 525 896
Under 16's:
Matt Nihill 0419 385 610
Matt Cameron 0447 315 636
Training Times
U9/10/12: Wednesday nights 5-6pm at Tatura Park.
Starts Wed 12th March
Under 14: Tuesday & Thursday nights 5-6pm-ish at Tatura Park.
Under 16: Tuesday & Thursday nights 5:30-6:30pm-ish at Tatura Park.
Social Media Communications
We have an Instagram & Facebook page called Tatura Junior Football so please follow that & invite others you know.
Each team will have their own Messenger or WhatsApp group chat for weekly communications so please ensure you are in this by contacting your coach or team manager.
Round 1 starts on April 25-27th. Fixtures & ladders will be available on PlayHQ.
If your family or child has a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, you may be eligible for up to $200 to put towards the cost of your child’s registration.
You can purchase merchandise here. We would like players to wear a training top at trainings & encourage you to have a club hoodie for game day (encouraged but not compulsory). Standard items are always available & items such as custom training top orders are generally only open the 1st week of each month. Sizes are limited for juniors but we are continually working with our supplier to increase the range.
Boot Swap
At every training during pres season our Boot-Swap will be open to donate or collect a set of boots. If you have an old pair of boots you've outgrown consider donating for someone else to use. You can also access this throughout the season - just ask a volunteer. Boots are as is condition. First in best dressed.
AFL Game Team Trip
Some years we take our teams to the AFL on a bus. We will keep you informed with more details if this goes ahead this year.
Join our free footy tipping comp - https://www.footytips.com.au/comps/tatura_jfc
(Competition: Tatura Junior Footy, Password: bulldogs)
Get Involved
We would like everyone to get involved so look at the roles below & talk to your team’s team manager or coach about where you can contribute. If you can help with the junior or broader club overall talk to Michael Reid. Some of these roles are filled but many are up for grabs.
- Every team roles: Coaching/Assistant/Skills. Team Manager/Assistant. Gameday team: trainer/first aid, boundary/central/goal umpire, timekeeper, interchange, ground check/set up. BBQ coordinator, BBQ operators. Social Connections Coordinator. TFNC social functions committee representative.
- Junior club roles: Assistant Coordinator u9/10/12s or Assistant Coordinator u14/16s. Coach Coordinator. Administration Coordinator. TFNC Social committee reps (5+). Sponsorship. Uniforms. Social media. Child Safety Coordinator/officer. Auskick helpers. Umpiring coordinator. Junior Umpire Program.
Saturday Footy Catchup’s
As a junior committee we invite everyone to meet at 2pm in front of the stairs (near the bar) to catch up & get to know some other parents at our GVL home games. Support our senior football & netballers while meeting some new people, have a drink or grab something to eat & bring the family down for a great afternoon.
We want to thank the sponsors of the TFNC of our Junior Football Teams including those who sponsored game day awards. Please support these businesses throughout the year.
FAQS- Frequently Asked Questions:
What Uniform do I need to play? Wear football boots, blue Bulldogs socks & blue football shorts (available through
sports stores or our loco merchandise store but keep dispatch times in mind). Please bring your own drink bottle to
each training & games. Occasionally we may share players between teams if one team is short. Club jumpers will be
issued at the beginning of the season. A parent will need to be present to receive this otherwise we will hold it until
game day. You must be registered before you will receive a jumper or are able to play, this must be returned on the
last game of the season.
Do I need a mouthguard? Yes. A mouthguard is required to play & train. We have seen chipped teeth at training
before. A dental fitted one is best, but you can also purchase the boil & bite ones from sport stores.
How Early should I arrive at a game? For U9/10/12 Please arrive 30 mins before the game to meet and warm up. For
U14/16 please arrive 45-60 mins before the game- your coach will confirm & communicate these times.
What about Helmets? (Optional): As a committee we have decided to provide & support the use of helmets for all
those who choose to (for u9,10,12s- primary school age). We will have a limited number to start but if we need, we’ll
order more. This is a personal decision for you as a parent to make & be responsible for with your child. Helmets can
help with surface head injuries etc. but are not proven to prevent concussion. The AFL says they are not necessary to
play junior football but there are reasons some may choose to. Coaches will also do their best to teach kids to
protect their heads & use their bodies as well as how to tackle more safely. AFL is a contact sport & we have a
concussion management procedure in the rare event that occurs.
Why are there modified rules for some junior age groups? Depending on the age group some of the rules are
modified to suit the development & enjoyment of the players at different levels. This comes from AFL National
guidelines & the league is working to implement these. This is also in line with all other major sports that adopt
modified rules for junior age groups.
How can I get involved? Parent involvement is essential to the success of our junior club. The key areas we need
help are (varies for age groups): Coaching/Assist with running training sessions, half time drinks/fruit/lollies,
goal/central/boundary umpires, home game BBQ cooking, pre & post-game set up/pack up, first aid assistant,
committee members, team manager. Can all parents choose at least one area to help with & let your coach/team
manger know. We are also looking for a BBQ coordinator, Assistant Junior Coordinators & more - if you are
interested, please talk to Michael.
What if my child is Unavailable? If your child is unable to play on the weekend, please notify the coach or team
manager or both if possible, ASAP- it’s important for us to know the numbers we have leading up to the game for
team sheets.
CODES OF CONDUCT (Source: AFL Junior Match Day Policy)
» Remember that children play sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
» Encourage children to participate, do not force participation upon them.
» Focus on the child's efforts and self-esteem rather than whether they win or lose.
» Encourage children to always participate according to the rules.
» Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or for the team losing a game.
» Remember that children learn best by example - applaud the efforts of all players in both teams.
» Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse for sporting activities.
» Show appreciation of volunteer coaches, officials, and administrators
- without whom your child could not participate.
» Respect umpires' decisions and teach children to do likewise.
» Remember that smoking and the consumption of alcohol are unacceptable at junior sport.
» Play by the rules: they are for the good of all.
» Never argue with an official: if you disagree, discuss the matter with your coach or teacher after the game.
» Control your temper: verbal abuse or racial or religious vilification of other players or provoking an opponent or
the other team is never appropriate.
» Be a good sport: applaud all good play by your team, opponent, or the other team.
» Treat all players fairly: treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully, or take unfair
advantage of another player.
» Co-operate willingly: cooperate with your coach, teammates, and opponents. Without them, there would be no
» Play for fun: Play for the 'fun of it' and not just to please parents and coaches.
Please register on PlayHQ early to avoid disappointment as our numbers have increased recently. Register by the end of March (Although registrations may remain open after this).
All players must register prior to playing. To qualify for an age group you must be under that age on the 1/1/25. For example, you must be 10 or 11 on the 1/1/25 to play u12’s.
Please note all players will be required to pay upon registration.
Under 9/10/12 Registration $150 + $ 2.70 processing fee
Under 14 & 16 Registration $200 + $3.60 processing fee
We encourage you to purchase a young pup or family membership to get all the benefits of being part of our club including a lot of great bonuses. Young pup memberships can be purchases through playHQ & family memberships through our website.
Young Pup Membership $50 + $0.90 processing fee (optional)
- Entry to all 9 GVL home games for 2024 season for one child under the age of 18
- Entry to Membership draw every Thursday night dinner (must be present to win).
- 10 x $5 Canteen vouchers (redeemable at TFNC canteen)
- 1 x scarf, beanie or cap
Bulldog Family Membership $250 + processing fee (optional)
- Entry to all 9 GVL home games for 2024 season for two adults (non-playing only, can also be extended to non-playing chikdren under 18)
- Discounts on social event tickets (ex Season Finale)
- Entry to Membership draw every Thursday night dinner (must be present to win).